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Petition to stop opossum drop

Animal rights groups in North Carolina are fighting to stop an annual tradition of dropping an opossum for New Year’s Eve. They want to end House Bill 574, which gives people the right to do whatever they want with the animal for a few days each year. The law reads, “no state or local statutes, rules, regulations, or ordinances related to the capture, captivity, treatment, or release of wildlife shall apply to the Virginia opossum between the dates of December 29 of each year and January 2 of each subsequent year.”

The petition from the animal rights groups have reached a milestone of over 150,000 signatures in approval of ending the tradition. The petition calls out the statute for giving North Carolina the right to ‘legally abuse opposums.’ It calls the statute an ’embarrassment to its residents and jeopardizes the state’s tourism industry.’

For more information on proper opossum handling, visit Triangle Wildlife Removal & Pest Control, Inc.

Petition to End North Carolina’s New Year Eve’s Opossum Drop

Animal rights groups in North Carolina are fighting the state legislature to stop an annual tradition of dropping an opossum for New Year’s. The group, Animal Help Now, wants to end the House Bill 574, which gives people the right to participate in animal abuse during a certain time of year.

A “Possum Drop” is like the New York City ball drop, but an opossum is used instead. Animal Help Now is circulating a petition to end this practice.

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Summary: Animal rights groups in North Carolina are fighting to stop an annual tradition of dropping an opossum for New Year’s Eve. They want to end House Bill 574, which gives people the right to do whatever they want with the animal for a few days each year.

More than 150,000 people sign petition demanding end to ‘Possum Drop’

An animal rights group in North Carolina is demanding that the state stop its annual tradition of dropping an opposum for New Years after one marsupial had to get its leg amputated because of the abuse it experienced.

Animal Help Now closed their Change.org petition calling for an ‘end state-sanctioned opossum abuse in North Carolina’, receiving just under 160,000 signatures. Read more

Summary: An animal rights group petition has gained more than 150,000 signatures to end the annual opossum drop in North Carolina. They have called the tradition animal abuse.