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Flying Squirrels FAQ

Can Flying Squirrels Actually Fly?

If you find a flying squirrel in your home or on your property, you may be concerned that it will fly into
another part of your house, but the flying squirrel does not fly. Instead, these animals glide from tree to
tree or rooftop to rooftop using a thin membrane that stretches from their feet to their arms.

When Are Flying Squirrels Most Active?

Flying squirrels are only active during the night! Beginning at dusk and continuing through the night,
you’ll hear the most activity. The most common noises are chewing, scratching, and bumps. Flying
Squirrels don’t just scurry; they glide from one location to the next.

Large groups of Flying Squirrels live together. Adult groups can have up to 15 members. Flying Squirrels
are smaller than Gray Squirrels and can fit into small crevices in your attic. Flying Squirrel entry points are
small and difficult to locate. Flying squirrels will leave the attic at dusk and return before daylight.

What Are The Signs Of A Flying Squirrel Infestation?

Flying squirrel evidence can be found in the form of droppings, tracks, scents, or actual sightings.
Examine your home’s roofline for chew marks and small entry points.

You might hear low, soft chirping or clucking sounds in the middle of the night, in addition to scratching
sounds. Flying squirrels can live in colonies of up to 20, so if you find one, there is likely more hiding
nearby. You may have to do some nighttime investigating if you suspect these curious and intelligent
creatures live in your home.