Snake Season in Raleigh, NC

Snake season in Raleigh, NC is a time of heightened awareness and caution. With its warm and humid climate, the city becomes an ideal habitat for various snake species. The venomous copperhead, cottonmouth, and rattlesnake are commonly found in the area during this...

What to Do if You Encounter a Venomous Snake in Raleigh, NC

If you encounter a venomous snake in Raleigh, NC, it is important to remain calm and avoid any sudden movements. Most snake bites occur when people try to capture or kill the snake, so it’s crucial to maintain a safe distance. It’s recommended to keep at...

The Most Common Snakes Found in Raleigh, NC

Raleigh, NC, known for its lush forests and diverse wildlife, is home to several species of snakes. Among the most common ones found in this area is the Eastern Rat Snake, also known as the Black Rat Snake. These non-venomous snakes can grow up to six feet long and...

When to Call a Professional for Squirrel Removal in Raleigh, NC

Squirrels can be cute and entertaining to watch, but when they invade your home or property, they can quickly become a nuisance. While some homeowners may attempt to handle squirrel removal on their own, there are certain situations where it is best to call a...

Squirrel Behavior During Mating Season in Raleigh, NC

During mating season in Raleigh, NC, squirrel behavior undergoes significant changes as these furry creatures engage in a variety of fascinating activities. Male squirrels become more aggressive and competitive, engaging in fierce chases and territorial disputes to...