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Durham, North Carolina

General Information About Durham, NC

The city of Durham North Carolina is Durham County’s official seat. According to the U.S Census Bureau, it is one of the most populous cities in the state with a population of 251,893 as of 2014 along with Garner, NC. The city, which is part of the Research-triangle of North Carolina, is nationally known as a leader in health care and medical research. Durham is one of the Top 10 College Towns and is home to the Duke University.

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It has come a long way from being a small village with less than a hundred people to one of North Carolina’s largest cities. Durham North Carolina was called home by a tribe of Native Americans known as the Eno and the Occoneechi who established the Adshusheer village in area. It was officially incorporated in 1869 but its official birthday follows the establishment of the U.S. Post-Office on April 26, 1853. It is in close proximity to Apex, North Carolina.

The city got its name from Dr. Bartlett Snipes Durham after he donated four acres to the N.C. Railroad where a station named Durhamville was built. In the 1800s, Durham got the nickname “Bull City” after the bestselling product of Blackwell Tobacco-company. It came to be known not only as a tobacco center but also a banking center as both industries flourished in the city. We offer nuisance animal removal in Durham NC.

Durham, NC became known as an education hub in the 1900s with the establishment of the North Carolina Central-University and the Duke University. It’s inclusion in the Research Triangle-Park (R.T.P) has made it a center for medicine, pharmaceutical, biotechnology and information technology.

Famous Attractions

Eno River State Park

The 4,200-acre Eno River State-Park in Orange Counties and Durham North Carolina provide a vast tract of land for hiking, canoe launches, picnic areas and historic trails. Visitors who want to know more about the Native American tribes that once lived in Durham should visit the park as these tribes lived along the Eno River. The State Park was established as a result of the efforts of concerned citizens to protect the area from exploitation.

Falls Lake-State Recreation Area

This is a must-visit state park in Durham, NC as it has been depicted in “Crisis Four”, a spy thriller novel written by Andy McNab. The US Army-Corps of Engineers developed the Falls Lake Project as a flood-control remedy. The dam, which was completed in 1981, does not only provide recreation for visitors but Falls Lake also provides water supply, fish and water quality control for the area.

Duke University

Duke’s University has always been popular not only as an academic center but because of its gothic-inspired structures which have made it one of the most beautiful universities in Durham, NC. The 8600-acre Duke’s University has been tagged as Harvard of the South and is home to 14,000 graduate and undergraduate students.

The Museum of Life and Science

The Museum is known for its exhibit on the space program of NASA. Dubbed as Aerospace, the exhibit includes artefacts that re related to Project Apollo including the dosimeter of Neil Armstrong, a Lunar Module mock-up, a moon rock and a test vehicle of the Apollo-command Mobile. The 80-acre land where the museum stands also features the Sprout Cafe, Catch the Wind, Safari-Express Train Ride, Dinosaur Trail, and the Butterfly House.

Duke Homestead-State Historic Site

If you want to know more about the largest tobacco company in the early 20th century then this historical site is the place to be. The American Tobacco company was built here by Washington Duke. The over 40-acre property is considered a National Historic Landmark. It features barn-like structures where the company used to process and pack their tobacco products.

Famous People From Durham, NC

One of the most notable personalities from Durham is James Buchanan Duke, founder of Duke’s University. He was b Cancel orn near Durham. He named the university after his family. There are other famous personalities born in Durham including artist and painter Ernie Barnes, N.F.L player Michael Brooks, blues musician Bull City Red, the creator of the series Stranger Things The Duffer Brother and Roger Lee Craig; the renowned Major-League Baseball pitcher.

Durham is an interesting place to visit not just for those who have interest in the academic center, but also for those who want to experience a set of history. Tobacco has played a major role in the development of this city and a visit to the place where it all started will give you an up close and personal experience of that period in history.

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